As the global race for AI dominance cranks up, what are the potential risks when superpowers like the U.S. prioritize winning over AI transparency and safety? And while ongoing advances in artificial intelligence do benefit society, will unregulated innovation serve our good or speed up humanity’s downfall?
Why is Transparency the Key to AI Compliance under the EU AI Act?
The EU AI Act makes transparency central to compliance, requiring companies to disclose key AI system information. Beyond regulation, transparency builds trust, drives innovation, and creates a competitive advantage. This text highlights why it matters, what to disclose, and how to start adopting transparency measures in your company.
Self Driving Car Ethics: Beyond A Glorified Trolly Problem
The self-driving cars ability to accurately decide on which lives to save and which to sacrifice very much depends on its ability to detect each and every one of those lives to begin with.
Is there a risk of self-driving cars identifying some pedestrians but not others? The short answer is yes, there is. While the famous philosophical dilemma, commonly known as “the trolly problem”, is not completely irrelevant, there are much bigger ethical fish to fry.
Balancing Act: Navigating Safety and Efficiency in Human-in-the-Loop AI
Deploying AI in production brings some challenges and trade-offs between safety and efficiency. Humans are setting up, tuning, testing, and using the AI systems, providing feedback and guidance to the machines.
Read MoreAgainst Neutrality in AI ethics: pros & cons of taking a stance
The Ethical Implications of Autonomous Vehicles
But what can go wrong? We’ll take a look on how people relate to AVs, we’ll assess the risks of self-driving cars through the looking-glass of ethics & immerse ourselves into an ethical design approach as a potential solution to everything we’re about to cover..
Autonomous Vehicles & their Levels of Automation
What decision does a self-driving car take in case of imminent, fatal accident? What happens in case of data poisoning if someone hacked the system and hijacked your car? And moreover, do you trust the technology enough to buy a self-driving car to begin with?
Biometric Surveillance in Public Spaces – The Humpty-Dumpty of Privacy & Safety
When asked about privacy in the digital space, the usual answer seems to be a scoff. Sometimes it is even followed by a taunting sneer with a tint of “there is nothing we can do about it though” look. But why is that?
Why algorithmic transparency needs a protocol?
Consumers are confused. They are exposed to products of multiple origins each following their own path to “ethical” data processing and decision making. Is there anything we could do?
Read MoreAI For Public Good: Open-Source Is Not Enough
Open-source has become a big part of Corporate Social Responsibility and beyond. What are the benefits of going open-source? What are the risks, and what this all has to do with AI?
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